Ho Tram Weather

What is the weather like in Ho Tram, Vietnam right now? Currently: 29°C. Rain.

Hồ Tràm beach, Vùng Tàu, Vietnam

7 Days Weather Forecast

Local hourly Ho Tram weather forecast of rain, temperature, sunrise, humidity, wind and pressure.

Saturday, 10 June Rain
High 32°C
Low 26°C
  • Sun: 05:28 AM
  • Wind: 6.55 km/h
  • Humidity: 63%
  • Pressure: 1007hPa
Sunday, 11 June Rain
High 31°C
Low 26°C
  • Sun: 05:28 AM
  • Wind: 7.86 km/h
  • Humidity: 62%
  • Pressure: 1007hPa
Monday, 12 June Rain
High 32°C
Low 25°C
  • Sun: 05:28 AM
  • Wind: 6.11 km/h
  • Humidity: 61%
  • Pressure: 1008hPa
Tuesday, 13 June Rain
High 31°C
Low 26°C
  • Sun: 05:28 AM
  • Wind: 5.7 km/h
  • Humidity: 62%
  • Pressure: 1009hPa
Wednesday, 14 June Rain
High 31°C
Low 25°C
  • Sun: 05:28 AM
  • Wind: 5.91 km/h
  • Humidity: 63%
  • Pressure: 1010hPa
Thursday, 15 June Rain
High 31°C
Low 25°C
  • Sun: 05:28 AM
  • Wind: 4.98 km/h
  • Humidity: 62%
  • Pressure: 1009hPa
Friday, 16 June Rain
High 31°C
Low 26°C
  • Sun: 05:29 AM
  • Wind: 5.76 km/h
  • Humidity: 63%
  • Pressure: 1009hPa
Saturday, 17 June Rain
High 31°C
Low 26°C
  • Sun: 05:29 AM
  • Wind: 6.86 km/h
  • Humidity: 63%
  • Pressure: 1008hPa

Last updated: June 10, 2023

Past Weather in Ho Tram

Historic weather in Ho Tram from 09 June, 2023 back to 03 June, 2023.

Ho Tram Temperature Yesterday (09 June, 2023)

  • High temperature yesterday: 30.35°C
  • Low temperature yesterday: 25.63°C
  • Average temperature yesterday: 27.99 °C

Ho Tram Weather History for the last 30 days

Date Conditions Temp Humidity Wind
Fri, 09 June 2023 Rain 30.03°C 67.0% 5km/h
Thu, 08 June 2023 Rain 27.69°C 78.0% 5km/h
Wed, 07 June 2023 Rain 25.84°C 88.0% 7km/h
Tue, 06 June 2023 Rain 29.15°C 75.0% 8km/h
Mon, 05 June 2023 Rain 29.17°C 75.0% 6km/h
Sun, 04 June 2023 Rain 30.91°C 65.0% 6km/h
Sat, 03 June 2023 Rain 30.79°C 67.0% 6km/h
Fri, 02 June 2023 Rain 31.22°C 64.0% 8km/h
Thu, 01 June 2023 Rain 31.72°C 62.0% 8km/h
Wed, 31 May 2023 Rain 30.59°C 69.0% 7km/h
Tue, 30 May 2023 Rain 29.49°C 71.0% 6km/h
Mon, 29 May 2023 Rain 26.84°C 84.0% 7km/h
Sun, 28 May 2023 Rain 28.04°C 77.0% 9km/h
Sat, 27 May 2023 Rain 28.34°C 72.0% 6km/h
Fri, 26 May 2023 Rain 30.06°C 63.0% 5km/h
Thu, 25 May 2023 Rain 28.28°C 78.0% 6km/h
Wed, 24 May 2023 Rain 31.68°C 64.0% 6km/h
Tue, 23 May 2023 Rain 30.87°C 70.0% 5km/h
Mon, 22 May 2023 Rain 30.9°C 67.0% 6km/h
Sun, 21 May 2023 Rain 29.94°C 71.0% 6km/h
Sat, 20 May 2023 Rain 28.6°C 76.0% 5km/h
Fri, 19 May 2023 Rain 32.32°C 62.0% 5km/h
Thu, 18 May 2023 Rain 31.77°C 60.0% 6km/h
Wed, 17 May 2023 Rain 31.73°C 62.0% 6km/h
Tue, 16 May 2023 Rain 29.77°C 73.0% 5km/h
Mon, 15 May 2023 Rain 31.0°C 63.0% 5km/h
Sun, 14 May 2023 Rain 31.13°C 62.0% 4km/h
Sat, 13 May 2023 Rain 31.29°C 63.0% 5km/h
Fri, 12 May 2023 Rain 30.83°C 66.0% 5km/h
Thu, 11 May 2023 Rain 30.11°C 69.0% 4km/h

Ho Tram Climate

Ho Tram features a “Tropical wet and dry or savanna” climate (Köppen classification: Aw). The highest temperature is 32.2°C (89.96°F) and the lowest is 24.8°C (76.64°F), with an average yearly temperature of 28.3°C (83.02°F). Annual rainfall averages nearly 1415.5 millimetres (55.73 inches).

Monthly Averages

Historical monthly average weather conditions for Ho Tram.

Months High / Low (°C) Rain
January 29.2° / 24.8° 1.5 days
February 29.4° / 24.8° 0.6 days
March 30.5° / 26.2° 1.7 days
April 31.3° / 27.5° 7.2 days
May 32.2° / 28.7° 21.1 days
June 31.2° / 27.7° 25.5 days
July 30.5° / 27.1° 25.3 days
August 30.7° / 27.2° 26.1 days
September 30.5° / 26.9° 24.0 days
October 30.3° / 26.6° 22.4 days
November 30.2° / 26.4° 13.6 days
December 29.6° / 25.5° 5.9 days

Frequently asked questions

What is the coldest month in Ho Tram?

January is the coldest month in Ho Tram, with the average temperature dropping to a low of 24.8°C (76.64°F).

How much rain does Ho Tram get every year?

Ho Tram gets an approximate 1415.5mm (55.73") of precipitation. Average number of rain days annually is 174.9 days.

What month has the least rain in Ho Tram?

The driest month in Ho Tram is February with around 0.6 rain days and a precipitation of 2.3mm (0.09").

What months are the most humid in Ho Tram?

July and September in Ho Tram have the highest humidity, averaging 81.1%.

What month has the least sunshine in Ho Tram?

The month that has the least sunshine in Ho Tram is January which only experiences an average of 8.6h of sunshine.

Which month has the most daylight in Ho Tram?

With an average of 13.0h of daylight, June has more daylight hours than any other months in Ho Tram.

What is the hottest month in Ho Tram?

May is the hottest month in Ho Tram with temperature averaging between 32.2°C (89.96°F) and 28.7°C (83.66°F).

When does Ho Tram have the most sunshine?

April has an average of 12.8h of sunshine, making it the month with the most sunshine in Ho Tram.

What month has the most rainfall in Ho Tram?

The wettest month of Ho Tram is August with approximately 26.1 rain days and total precipitation of 226.5mm (8.92").

What month has the least humidity in Ho Tram?

With a relative humidity of 74.6%, February is the least humid month in Ho Tram.

Which month has the shortest daylight in Ho Tram?

December has the least daylight in Ho Tram, with an average of 11.7h of daylight.

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Want to know what the weather is like in Ho Tram in a specific month?


The weather today in Ho Tram:
Humidity 78%
Wind 4.89 km/h
Sunrise 05:28 AM

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